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Track Your Baby's Development Week By Week
Track Your Baby's Development Week By Week
..where little means a lot

Note: The length, weight and size mentioned below are only a guideline, as these vary from baby to baby and from one pregnancy to another.

What is going on with your baby during week 6?

  • From crown to rump your baby measures at 2-4mm or 0.08-0.16 inch, the size of a small lentil.
  • This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period which spans from the 6th to 10th weeks of pregnancy or the 4th to 8th weeks of fetal development.
  • Growth is rapid this week with your baby resembling a tadpole with a tail but no brain.
  • It is already 10,000 times larger than the fertilized egg; it doesn't have gender characteristics yet.
  • Over the next 5 months, more than 100 billion neurons will be formed in the brain, laying the necessary groundwork for a lifetime of learning.
  • His heart, the size of poppy seed, is beating on its own
  • Your baby at this stage has his own bloodstream with blood circulating already.
  • Testes or ovaries at this stage are mere clusters of cells.
  • Other major organs continue to develop including liver, kidneys and lungs.
  • The head has the beginnings of the eyes, ears and mouth and there are tiny buds which will become arms and legs.

Week 6 Fetus

Changes in you at this stage Week 6

  • You may have gained few pounds by now; conversely due to not eating well and nausea you may have lost some weight.
  • In first time pregnancies abdominal changes are not that apparent.
  • The areolas darken to brownish circles of patches around the nipples.
  • Bluish veins may be seen just under the skin as the blood supply to breasts increases.
  • If you have a pelvic exam, your doctor can usually feel your uterus and note some change in its size.
  • The pregnancy hormone hCG continues to increase making you prone to fatigue and nausea.
  • You may find yourself noticing babies more and wondering how yours will look.
  • You may find yourself thinking a lot about how your life will change now that you are pregnant. You will probably start thinking about a wardrobe change if you are pregnant for the first time. In other words, your appearance is probably going to occupy your mind in a different way.

Good to Know in Week 6

Definitions of time

  • Gestational age (menstrual age) - begins from the 1st day of your LMP (about 2 weeks before you conceive). This age is most used by doctors. Average length of pregnancy is 40 weeks.
  • Ovulatory age (fertilization age) - begins the day you conceive. Average length of pregnancy is 38 weeks.
  • Fetal age - the actual age of the growing fetus (always 2 weeks behind gestational age).
  • Trimester - each trimester consists of 13 weeks. There are 3 trimesters in pregnancy.
  • Lunar months - a pregnancy lasts an average of 10 lunar months (28 days each) hence 280 days in total.

Due date calculation

  • It doesn't matter when you think you became pregnant. Your doctor will always calculate your due date from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP).
  • The main reason being many women don't know for sure when they ovulated. Your doctor will use the LMP as an equalizer to deal with the variations in cycles of every pregnant woman to reach the same calendar.
  • For instance if your LMP was 20th Feb, your due date will be calculated thus: 7 + 20 and minus 3 months i.e. your due date will be 27th Nov.

Wholesome Advice in Week 6

  • Do yourself a favor - the moment your pregnancy is confirmed, go off the booze. Don't kid yourself into thinking an occasional drink is fine. It is tricky business knowing the safe level.
  • Start saving now for maternity clothes; they can be expensive.
  • Your baby is totally, completely dependant on you for all its needs. To ensure she gets a proper headstart in life, it is important that you eat right, rest enough and stay as healthy as possible throughout your pregnancy.

Your actions can impact your baby's growth at this stage


  • Progesterone causes the burning sensation in the middle of your chest or upper digestive tract. This hormone relaxes the muscle that is responsible for controlling the opening at the top of the stomach.
  • Secondly, progesterone causes the stomach to empty more slowly so that as many nutrients as possible can be absorbed from the food you eat. The stomach gets compressed as you grow bigger. It may begin early, although it tends to become more severe later in pregnancy.
    1. Avoid sodium bicarbonate as it contains a lot of salt which will cause water retention.
    2. Avoid fatty and greasy foods, carbonated drinks, processed meats and junk food.
    3. Eat slowly. The more slowly you eat, the more time the enzymes in your saliva have to break down the food before it reaches your stomach.
    4. Eat less; heartburn is more likely to flare up if you overfill, in particular with carbohydrates. Don't eat too close to bedtime.
    5. Avoid lying flat on your back when you are resting or sleeping as this intensifies heartburn. Try propping yourself up on pillows.
    6. Check with your doctor on antacids.


  • A major change, including a happy one, is stressful. You will read that stress is bad for your baby - this thought alone is going to stress you out. A reassuring fact to know is millions of healthy and happy babies are born each year to moms who were stressed out, including in early pregnancy. So don't stress over the fact that you are stressed! Of course attempts to de-stress should be made if you are overly stressed; anything in excess is no good.
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Common Concerns in in Week 6

Whom can I talk to about my fears and concerns while I am pregnant?

  • It is important to establish a sound relationship with your healthcare provider so you can ask him or her anything about your condition. Your doctor knows you, your history and what has happened in the course of your pregnancy so far. Do not hesitate to discuss your doubts and worries with your doc. Expand on your knowledge by reading good articles and books.

I feel embarrassed discussing some issues with my doc as they seem silly or trivial.

  • Do not be afraid to ask your doc even on the minor stuffs or be concerned about how he will react. He or she may have already heard the questions before so don't let that inhibit you. It is their role or duty to clear your doubts. Smallest details should be raised as they can pose risk so unless you find out, you may never know. Prepare your list and discuss them during your appointments.

Weekly Nutrition advice in Week 6

  • You must be selective in your meal choices; you cannot just eat whatever you want these days. You are after all eating for two in terms of quality.
  • Eating the right foods in the right amounts require planning. Eat foods high in iron and calcium, magnesium, folic acid and zinc.
  • You also need fiber and fluids to help alleviate any constipation problems. Foods to help your baby grow and develop include:

Bread, cereal, pasta and rice - at least 6 servings/day

Fruits - 3-4 servings/day

Vegetables - 4 servings/day

Meat and other protein sources - 2-3 servings/day

Dairy products - 3-4 servings/day

Fats, sweets and other 'empty' calorie foods - 2-3 servings/day

Disclaimer: Information contained on this Web site is intended solely to make available general summarized information to the public. It should not be substituted for medical advice. It is your responsibility to consult with your pediatrician and/or health care provider before acting on any advice on this web site. While OEM endeavors to provide up-to-date and accurate information, it is not liable for any advice whatsoever rendered nor is it liable for the completeness or timeliness of any information on this site.

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