Weekly Nutrition advice in Week 9
- Fruits and vegetables are important during pregnancy. You can add a variety to your diet because they are seasonal.
- They are excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. You get your supply of iron, folic acid, calcium and vitamin C.
Tasty low-cal sources of Vitamin C
Strawberries - 1 cup contains 94mg of vitamin C
Orange juice - 1 cup contains 82mg of vitamin C
Kiwi fruit - 1 medium contains 74mg of vitamin C
Broccoli - ½cup cooked contains 58mg of vitamin C
Red peppers - ¼ of a medium contains 57mg of vitamin C
Vitamin C
- Vitamin C can be very important during pregnancy. It is important for fetal tissue development and iron absorption. Some studies indicate that vitamin C helps prevent preeclamsia. Deficiencies have been linked to premature births. It helps build the amniotic sac. The recommended daily dose is 85mg. Besides your prenatal vitamin, you can depend on fruits and vegetables for your daily dose. Every day try to eat one or two servings of fruit high in vitamin C and at least one dark green or deep yellow vegetable for extra iron, fiber and folic acid. Fruits and vegetables you may choose and their servings outlined below:
Grapes - ¼cup
Banana, orange, apple - 1 medium
Dried fruit - ¼cup
Broccoli, carrots and other veggies - ½cup
Potato - 1 medium
Leafy green vegetable - 1 cup
Vegetable juice - ¾cup