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What is going on with your baby during week 10?
  • From crown to rump your baby measures at 3.1-4.2cm or 1¼-1¾ inch, the size and shape of medium shrimp.
  • The prenatal test CVS is usually conducted between this week to week 12.
  • Now that the baby is starting to put on weight, your baby's weight is close to 5g or 0.18 oz.
  • Most congenital malformations occur during the embryonic period - it is encouraging to know that a critical phase is safely behind you.
  • Although few malformations occur during the fetal period, it pays to stay away from drugs and other harmful exposures throughout your pregnancy as fetal cells can be destroyed at any time during pregnancy.
  • By week 10 all of your baby's vital organs have formed.
  • The tail has disappeared totally and the fingers and toes are no longer webbed.
  • The skeleton bones are starting to form; the eyes now looked closed since the lids are more developed.
  • Rapid brain development is taking place with almost 250,000 neurons being produced every minute!
  • With a boy baby, testosterone is now being produced by the testes.
Week 10 Fetus
Changes in you at this stage
  • You may have gained few pounds by now; conversely due to not eating well and nausea you may have lost some weight.
  • In first time pregnancies abdominal changes are not that apparent.
  • You still may not show much though your uterus is the size of a large orange.
  • Though the majority of women rely on the basic clues to determine pregnancy in the first trimester, sometimes you may notice a slight staining around the time you would normally expect your periods; this is called implantation bleeding.
  • Implantation bleeding is caused a sloughing of uterine cells when the fertilized blastocyst first burrows into the womb. You may experience tender breast or mild cramps akin to period symptoms.
  • If you think you are pregnant and are still on birth control pills take a home pregnancy test or get yourself checked by your doctor. If the test is positive discontinue the pills. On the flipside, FYI it is unlikely that taking the pill for a week or two of pregnancy will damage the developing embryo.
What is going on with your head during Week 10

Pregnancy can change many of our expectations. Some women see it as a sign of motherhood. Others consider it a blessing while still others see it as a problem to be dealt with. You may question your decision, doubt your physical attractiveness and generally find yourself having to deal with your moods. Emotional swings are normal and continue to some extent throughout your pregnancy. One very wise thing to do is follow your prenatal appointments strictly. Establish good communication with your doctor and if something bothers you or worries you, discuss it with someone reliable.

Your actions can impact your baby's growth at this stageThe Caffeine Buzz
  • Medical research shows that caffeine in moderation does not harm the mother or the fetus. Moderation equals to 300 mg of caffeinated beverage in a day! Of course it is best to eliminate caffeine altogether during your pregnant months but low levels are found to be safe.
  • Alcohol and pregnancy
  • Alcohol and pregnancy just don't gel! It causes your heart rate and that of your baby's to drop. This may lead to reduced circulation and deprive baby of important nutrients and oxygen. So remember when you drink, so does your unborn baby. Exposure to alcohol leads to various physical abnormalities, mental retardation and fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS. No amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy - that goes for beer, wine, cooler, liquor and mixed drinks.
  • FAS is a form of mental retardation that has characteristic physical deformities. It can lead to behavior and learning problems in the baby. FAS is preventable - the safest thing you can do is to not consume any alcohol during pregnancy.
  • Risk of Smoking
  • It is a proven science that cigarette smoke reaches the fetus. From the mother's blood stream, these toxins travel through the placenta and enter the unborn baby's circulation. The poisons constrict the blood vessels thereby preventing baby from receiving vital nutrients which is important for her growth and development.
  • It is just not good for baby to be around polluted air. Smoking can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A baby born to a smoking mother has a greater chance of being born small, underdeveloped and sickly. Baby may be born early before her lungs mature and may have difficulty breathing. Tobacco in other forms such as cigars, snuff or pipe tobacco is harmful as well.
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Common Concerns in Week 10I am expecting twins. How much extra nutrition do I need?
  • In a gist more than when you are carrying a singleton. You will need to consume more calories, more protein, more vitamins, more calcium and more iron. Each day you will need an additional 250 calories, 25 gm of protein, 20 gm of iron supplement and a higher dose of folic acid as determined by your doctor.
Should I worry about sex since I am carrying twins?
  • Because women carrying multiples have an increased chance of delivering prematurely and since orgasm can stimulate uterine contractions, conventional wisdom advises these women to abstain from orgasm during the final trimester. Studies recently suggest that there is no correlation between intercourse and premature delivery of twins.
Is it true that I will put on a lot more weight with twins?
  • You are more likely to gain extra with multiple fetuses. For a normal-weight woman, a weight gain of 35 to 45 pounds or 15.75-20.25 kg for a twin birth is recommended. However some women do not gain as much due to the added stress on their bodies.
What is the average length of pregnancy with more than one baby?
  • Delivery of twins is pushed until about 37th week of pregnancy and triplets until about 35the week.
Weekly Nutrition advice
  • Protein supplies you with amino acids which are critical for the growth and repair of the embryo/fetus, placenta, uterus and breasts.
  • Pregnancy increases your protein needs.
  • Try to consume 6 oz of protein each day during the first trimester and 8 oz a day in the next two trimesters.
  • Protein should however make only about 15% of your total calorie intake.
  • Many protein sources are high in fat. If you need to watch your calories, look out for low fat protein sources. Some protein foods you may choose and their serving portions are outlined below:
Chickpeas (Kabuli channa) - 1 cupCheese, mozzarella - I ozChicken roasted, skinless - ½ breast (about 4 oz)Eggs - 1Milk - 8 ozPeanut butter - 2 tablespoonsTuna, canned in water - 3 ozYoghurt - 8 oz
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