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Baby watch (13 months old baby)

Waning Appetite

Though the toddler weighs more than a baby, his appetite may not grow in proportion. In fact it may dwindle but this is only to be expected. The size of appetite may not depend on weight or age but the growth rate; growth rate slows down dramatically after the first birthday. A baby typically doubles its birth weight by five months of age and triples it by the end of the first year. From about twelve to thirty months, a toddler gains a moderate 3 to 4 kilos. The fact that her appetite has diminished makes it only natural for her to be growing far more slowly than before. A toddler's growing independence can also affect her eating habits. Impatience to sit through the whole meal, asserting their autonomy are some reasons why toddlers do not cooperate during meal times. Experts feel that rigidity on your part is only going to worsen the matter; it is best to not make a big issue about eating. It is very rare that a toddler will starve himself when food is available. However if you have serious issues concerning your child's feeding habits - eating too much or too little - you should discuss this with your pediatrician.

Exploring Genitals

Body exploration first began during infancy and continues throughout early childhood. Although self-exploration is normal, it can become quite embarrassing when they handle their private parts in front of you and others. Some parents feel that genital handling is a sign of sexual development. Whatever the source of discomfort, many parents wonder what is the appropriate way to react to this delicate matter. Since almost all toddlers do it, many experts feel that parents should accept this as a norm and not make a big deal about it. Since these parts are always covered that is why the fascination for it; it is certainly not a sign of sexuality. No matter what you think or feel, these organs are just another body part of your toddler. You need to decide on your own approach ranging from being openly approving to ignoring it to discouraging it. If you choose to discourage, then do it calmly and matter-of-factly with love rather than reproach. Your toddler is not being bad; merely curious.

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