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Exploring newer Tastes and Finger foods
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Can my baby get all she needs from a vegetarian diet?

If your baby is on bottle feeds then it is not a concern since the necessary nutrients are present in her follow-on milk. But if your baby is on breast milk then iron and Vitamin B12 needs to be topped up by eating foods containing them. It is also better to get some expert advice to make sure your baby gets the correct nutrients in the correct proportions. That said, have your baby follow a diet with more of lentils, soya, fortified cereals. Foods with good levels of iron include chickpeas, leafy greens and if it is okay for your baby to eat fish and eggs, (no allergy problem) add that to the menu. Spreads in butter form containing seeds and nuts or ground seeds (linseed, pumpkin seed etc) can be stirred into their purees to 'inject' EFAs and some protein is another thing you can consider. Introduce brown rice and other whole grains into your baby's diet to make it more wholesome.


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