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Faqs on Popular Concerns on Childhood Vaccinations
  Why the need to vaccinate your children?
  What is a vaccine and how do vaccines work?
  Are vaccines safe? What about the side effects clearly associated with immunization?
  What are the pros and cons of changing the vaccine schedule? How do I keep track of the vaccines my child receives?
  Is it okay to skip certain vaccinations until there is an absolute certainty that vaccines like MMR do not cause neurological issues such as autism?
  How effective is vaccination in the prevention of these common childhood diseases?
  Shots are painful - is there an alternative to the needle or ways to make it less painful?
  Too many vaccines too soon is damaging to the infant's immune system, is it true? Also, is there any risk involved when a multiple shot vaccine is given versus a single shot vaccine?
  Should my unwell child be vaccinated?
  Is the protection from vaccines completes and how long does the protection last?

What are the pros and cons of changing the vaccine schedule?

It is recommended that vaccines be given in a series of shots over a scheduled period of time. This schedule set by the CDC is designed with optimizing the development of immunity in a child against a set of diseases at a certain age. However shots can be missed due to intentional delays or illnesses. Some parents choose not to vaccinate by following the schedule; they prefer to space out the shots and hence deviate from the schedule. However they must understand the risk attached when they delay their babies immunization. Generally it is not a problem when a shot is missed but it is essential for children to be administered with the shot as soon as possible to benefit from the protection.

It is therefore important that parents adhere to the revised schedule charted out by their doctor. It is also important to understand that public and private schools will not accept children without vaccination, unless the reason for exemption is legitimate. In certain circumstances there are specific schedules for 'catch up' vaccinations when a delay is involved and your doctor will be able to guide you on this. In most countries, doctors and clinic staff record down details of the vaccine given in the record booklet. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide vaccine records to schools as schools require these records at the time of enrollment. In the event of changed health care providers or residences, it is again the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the current clinic is notified and updated on the vaccines received so far - the health booklet/card serves the purpose here.


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