What type of finger foods are suitable to offer?
Finger foods can be offered as early as 6 months or
a few months later, all depending on your baby's personality
and preference. The food should easily dissolve in your
mouth without any grit or grain in it to prevent possible
choking. You can encourage your baby to have finger
foods by offering them during mealtimes along with your
baby's normal grub. Breakfast foods such as French toast,
pancakes, waffles and cereal such as cheerios make good
finger foods. Fruits can be served in bite-sized pieces
(remove the peels, pit and steam if necessary) and you
can also give your baby dried fruits. Boiled vegetables
(reasonably soft) such as carrots and broccoli and boiled
pasta pieces also make easy finger foods. Small chunks
of cheese (semi soft cheese), chicken meatballs or baby
sausages, and hard boiled eggs which your baby can suck
or gnaw at are good too. Whatever food you do offer,
give only a few pieces at a time. If you find more pieces
on the floor than in her mouth, consider her interest
in the finger food over.